As a modern retail leader, you’re not only charged with understanding the latest technology innovations in the market, but you’re also responsible for guiding your organisation through its digital transformation journey.
Author: Your Tech HR
Mit dem „Vorteil des Verteidigers“ ist die Tatsache gemeint, dass Unternehmen und Institutionen ihre eigene, vertraute Umgebung vor Angreifern schützen. Das ist ein großer Vorteil, da sie die Kontrolle über das Terrain haben, auf dem die Auseinandersetzung stattfindet. Vielen Organisationen fällt es jedoch schwer, diesen Heimvorteil zu nutzen.
In der Vergangenheit haben wir unseren Ausblick auf das kommende Jahr mitunter als „Vorhersage“ bezeichnet. Da unsere Kommentare zur Cybersicher heitslage jedoch immer auf bereits von uns beobachteten Trends beruhen, ist „Prognose“ eine treffendere Bezeichnung. Für diesen Bericht „Prognosen zur Cybersicherheit 2023“ haben wir einige der brillantesten Denker von Mandiant, darunter Sandra Joyce, Head of Global Intelligence
Der Vorteil des Verteidigers – Eine Momentaufnahme der Cybersicherheitslage“ greift Themen zur Cyberabwehr auf, die immer wichtiger werden, und liefert dazu passende Erkenntnisse aus Mandiant-Einsätzen und andere Praxisbeispiele. In dieser Ausgabe werden u. a. die folgenden Themen behandelt:
A decade ago, financial services and insurance (FSI) firms considered the cloud to be a shared space for hosting applications―one that was somewhat risky. Concerned about security breaches and loss of control, such firms were late adopters of public cloud services.
One of the biggest challenges facing healthcare providers like Penn State Health is that cyber security threats are always evolving. Threat actors are becoming increasingly sophisticated, continually finding new vulnerabilities and new ways to exploit them.
APT29 and other threat actors have used several methodologies to move laterally from on-premises networks to the cloud, specifically Microsoft 365. This paper will help organizations understand these techniques used by APT29, how to proactively harden their environments, and how to remediate environments where similar techniques have been observed.
An effective incident response plan has multiple requirements from preparation to post-incident activity. What is not so obvious, and must not be discounted is leadership buy-in, testing and a unified approach amongst often siloed capabilities.
The Defender’s Advantage is the concept that organizations are defending against attacks in their own environment. This provides a fundamental advantage arising from the fact that they have control over the landscape where they will meet their adversaries. Organizations struggle to capitalize on this advantage.
This first-of-its-kind report offers insight into how organizations are navigating the global cyber security threat landscape. Findings are drawn from extensive interviews with 1,350 business and IT leaders who make security decisions for organizations with at least 1,000 employees.