Credit card processing fees can be one of the biggest hidden costs that companies face, taking a sizable cut from sales and making it harder to stay in profit – but one company has managed to completely eliminate these fees for their clients and help them keep more of their money.
Browsing: Mental Health & Wellness
Did you know $26.5B is lost in revenue as a result of internet downtime? And nearly 26.4M small businesses do not have a failover solution. Explore how you can replace, or provide backup, to your wireline connection on a reliable, affordable network.
Workhuman and Gallup partnered to discover the correlation between employee wellbeing and strategic employee recognition – and the resulting impact on overall company growth and success. In a large-scale study of more than 12,000 employees across 12 countries, Workhuman and Gallup found that recognition is one of the most effective and affordable ways to improve wellbeing, sparking cultural transformation and helping workplaces achieve exceptional performance.