Month: September 2023

Is your design process under pressure because of product complexity and increased demand for customization? By connecting program managers, team leaders, and designers via a common platform, up-to-date information can be shared using engineering design software. Capture, share and maintain requirements in an integrated repository that participates in standard product lifecycle management services.

The Freshservice Benchmark Report (FBR) 2023 considers seven (7) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are widely used in the industry to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization’s service delivery. With endless metrics available for leaders to track and measure, it is critical for service management leaders to know what to track, measure, and benchmark against.

Organizations usually have a lot of operational tasks that need to be done on a day-to-day basis. Eliminating these mundane and routine tasks with workflow automation puts more time back in an agent’s day, provides relief from workloads, improves service desk efficiency, and streamlines operations. Automated workflow systems also help scale your business with better time management and focus on core business goals.