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Google Chrome OS: Accelerating Device Lifecycle Management

IT organizations are facing increasing endpoint device management challenges, the result of increased IT complexity as well as the COVID-19 pandemic and concomitant shift to working from home. One-fifth of knowledge workers reported that devices were the area in which their company was least prepared to effectively facilitate the work-from-home transition.

ESG testing in a controlled environment demonstrated the speed and simplicity of device lifecycle management with Chrome Enterprise. Download the report to learn the difference between Google Chrome OS and Windows laptops:

–  A Chromebook as delivered from the factory was configured in under 7 minutes, compared with over 25 minutes for a Windows laptop (76% faster), and required approximately half the number of user intervention steps.

–  A factory reset and redeployment of an existing laptop was 96% faster with Chrome (more than 29 minutes versus less than two minutes).

–  ESG found that a typical mid-sized organization can reduce IT admin costs by more than 60% and lower TCO by more than $650,000 over three years with Chrome Enterprise.