Month: October 2023

Today’s companies must enable their customers to engage with their apps or services at any time, from any device, in a secure and safe manner. At the same time, companies must also ensure that these engagements are convenient and consistent across the full range of digital channels.

Managing modern Customer Identity is a complex task. Keeping up with evolving standards, compliance laws, best practices, and constantly patching security bugs takes time and money away from the core business. Development teams experience a lot of pressure to deliver web and mobile applications on time, and because the market is increasingly competitive, timelines are more ambitious than ever.

Bedrohungsakteure lenken ihre Aufmerksamkeit immer mehr auf identitätsbasierte Angriffsflächen und nehmen dabei vor allem lokale und in der Cloud gehostete AD-Umgebungen (Active Directory) ins Visier. Da AD-Administratoren jedoch betriebliche Anforderungen und restriktive Sicherheitsmaßnahmen unter einen Hut bringen müssen, erweist sich die Absicherung dieser Umgebungen als echte Herausforderung.

Acer Computer (S) has been established since 1990 and has been serving the Singapore market for decades. Across both consumer and commercial arenas, Acer Computer (S) has secured healthy market-share across the laptops, desktops and display monitors product categories.

In questo documento vediamo come a luglio 2021, il 92% dei responsabili IT ha dichiarato che la propria azienda aveva già adottato o era in procinto di adottare un modello ibrido. Ciò significa un numero sempre crescente di dipendenti che lavorano secondo una combinazione di modalità, tra ufficio, casa e sedi di co-working.